Abstract Percussion 采样包

时间 2019-11-02 02:50
<p>Abstract percussion offers a wealth of sonic variations to ensure your next beats are as interesting and unique as the music you produce. Reaching for a range of found sound, tuned percussion and all out weird objects, this one of a kind percussion sample pack guarantees to offer a wealth of endless inspiration. From tuned percussion hooks to found sound shakers and percussion loops, you'll find it all nestled inside this true sonic beauty.</p> <p>From Chinese music boxes to unique toy pianos, Kenyan kalimbas and garrahand FX, you can expect to find some of the most unique and usable percussion loops and one shots we've ever amassed. Each stunning loop can provide the backbone to your composition or seamlessly decorate your current chosen groove, irrelevant of genre. With tempos ranging from 75-175bpm whatever your style you'll find something of use tucked inside.</p>
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